Last September 26 was a very tragic day for every Filipinos here and abroad, a very strong typhoon named Ondoy hits the country and left hundreds of people suffering. Some lost their homes and possessions, some lost their loved ones. True enough this event woke every Filipino up and realized that we cannot just rely on our Government to give us help in times like this. "Bayanihan" so to speak was very visible at that very tragic moment. I am hoping that this alone will be a wake up call for everyone to realize that the Earth we are living in is not ours, God let us borrow this beautiful land and it is for us to look after it and make sure that it won't be abused. He has the power to take everything from us, I know that He did not made it happen for us to suffer; but for us to realize that there is more to life than merely prized and material possessions. Let this be not just a wake up call but a warning that in every action there is an equal reaction. God Bless everyone and lets keep eye on each other.
Tragic indeed but God is never an author of suffering and tragedy. It happens because people have been disobedient and indifferent. One of the strongholds in our nation is Apathy. The state of our environment is a clear result of this. But what's great is, God is still God despite of all these. He can turn something tragic into something GOOD! I still believe in my Rom. 8:28!
What a Beautiful and True Statement! I also feel that we need to make sure we let our loved ones know just what they mean to us as you just never know, and not to waste time on silly arguments. I'm very happy to have come across your blog! God Bless!
Heather (USA)
Mommy to 3 beautiful girls, Madilyn 6yrs., Aubrey 2 yrs, McKenzie 10 months, and expecting my 1st Son early Feb 2010.
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